Plymouth Quarries Exclusives

The Exclusives Product line of Plymouth Quarries has been established with premium companies over many years. Our personal relationship with these companies guarantees you the best products and services available. Our exclusive products will add a unique beauty and character to your projects. Stop by our showrooms to see and touch them for yourself.

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The Heartland Stone line is a pre-historic ocean floor product that has been forming in the land of Oklahoma for centuries. It is quarried in a variety of ways to create Flagging, Thin Veneer, Sheets, Table Tops, and Slabs. The colors are caramel, blue, gray, and lavender. Faces of the stone vary from a slight texture to rows of rippling waves.

F I R E  P L A C E  M A K E O V E R

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From Danielle’s Blog showing a beautiful Heathland Stone Fireplace Makeover > see the entire story


 This is the Blue Fossil strip veneer using all of the fossil side.

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Our exclusive Heartland Stone floor is made from a combination of pre-historic ocean floor stone and reclaimed 175 years young, old-growth western cedar.  The table is creating a big buzz when people see it in our showroom. Heartland Stone Veneer as an “ocean floor” stone, has a rippled “wave” side, and a “fossil” side with fossilization and texture.

From a prehistoric ocean floor, Heartland comes in a rustic, colored flagging (tiles) 1 inch thick; slabs 1.5 to 4 inches thick; and sheets of various lengths and widths with thickness of 1 inch or under. Color range is caramels, blues, grays and lavenders.

Heartland Stone Thin Veneer

Heartland Stone Tile Thin Veneer – cut on all sides and set with a dry joint like a tile.

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Heartland Stone Tile Thin Veneer sample featured in our showroom


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Heartland Stone Flagging

Heartland flagging comes in many textures, styles and sizes (mostly large and extra large). It looks like low tide at the beach.

See More: Heartland Flagging


Heartland Stone sheets are double-faced with unique textures, and come in a variety of heights and widths, 1 inch thick or less. Designed for vertical applications such a textured wall

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Heartland Stone table top

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